European Psychosynthesis Association EPA
European Psychosynthesis Association EPA
EPA European Psychosynthesis Association

Welcome to European Psychosynthesis Association EPA

A private website community for members in the EPA. Connect, learn, collaborate and grow.

About Us

The European Psychosynthesis Association was created in the spring of 2021 to bring together individual psychosynthesis practitioners across Europe to meet, share and collaborate in creating a culture of respect and support. 

Inclusive and celebrating diversity: Our aim is to create a European psychosynthesis community open to both students and professionals, therapists and coaches alike, as well as people who use psychosynthesis in education, business or art.  

The EPA aims to support its members in creating a culture of respect and support. We work in different fields and in various ways and we meet to learn from each other so that we can be of greater benefit to the whole, our clients and ourselves. We each contribute to all that our vibrant, expansive, and inclusive tradition can be. 

The EPA offers a regular program with community gatherings and special events.  These currently include:

•    Coffee Moments every Monday morning (30 minutes) 

•    Full Moon Meditation every month (45 minutes) 

•    One monthly evening event with a renowned teacher of Psychosynthesis

•    Four workshops every year on highly topical themes as well as psychosynthesis classics 

•    One larger conference or summer school per year  

The EPA focuses on connection, networking and community building. We almost always include meeting rooms for participants in our programs, as well as the possibility for questions. 

The EPA has no interest in competition: A key aim is to collaborate but not to compete with the existing schools or bodies of education in the psychosynthesis field. Instead we support a European view on topics and the higher perspective that comes from learning from colleagues in other countries. 

The EPA honours those that have paved the path we now walk: Our community is honoured to have such a rich heritage of pioneers who not only might have learned from Roberto Assagioli or his colleagues, but who went on to create communities of their own - to teach, mentor guide and inspire the psychosynthesis practitioners of today. Our entire, global community would not be what it is today without these great people. The EPA aims to celebrate these individuals through recognition of their lifetime contribution to psychosynthesis.

The EPA is a hub of support where members can feel championed, thus better able to be of service to the wider community: We are aware of the great change that the Western culture is going through and we support new ways of using the tools and concepts of psychosynthesis for the benefit of all.

EPA Community Rules of Engagement

1. Be kind and courteous. The ethos of our community is one of inclusion and respect of our diversity. We all have different approaches but we are united by what we have in common. Help create this welcoming environment. Healthy debates are natural, and kindness and courtesy are essential.

2. No bullying or aggression.  We are blessed to have an expansive community. This can mean that we might not always agree. Please strive to be relational in all communication. Everyone has the right to their own opinions and beliefs as long as they don't harm other people. Bullying of any kind is not allowed, and degrading comments or aggression will not be tolerated.

3. No promotions or spam. At this time please do not post about events or promotions. This may change as we move forward and we'll keep you updated!

4. Give more to this group than you take. Be generous with your sharing and bring of yourself what you can, when you can. 

5. Respect everyone's privacy. Being part of any community requires mutual trust. Authentic, expressive discussions make groups great and, at times, they may also be sensitive and private and the practice of confidentiality supports this. We ask that what is shared here is held in confidence by all our members.

6. Please contact [email protected] with any issues or concerns.